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Dan Blank

Piano, Profi

Dan was born in the spring of 2007 in Zurich. He began his musical education in 2013 in the class of the teacher Slava Spiridonov. Despite his young age, Dan has already grown into a professional piano player.

A winner of many international and Swiss competitions, a participant in concerts of young musicians in many cities and countries: in Zurich, Winterthur, Zug, Moscow, Minsk, Grosseto.

Dan studies at the Profi rate, participates in all concerts of the school, works on solo projects, learns pieces for piano and orchestra.

Dan is studying in the class of Slava Spiridonov

Dan Blank - student of Swiss School of Music and Ballet
Дан Бланк: Команда
Дан Бланк: Проекты

Dan Blank. Swiss School of Music

Dan Blank. Swiss School of Music

Dan Blank. Swiss School of Music
Dan Blank (13 y.o.) Bach Piano Concert D minor 1 movement  BWV 1052  Swiss School of Music

Dan Blank (13 y.o.) Bach Piano Concert D minor 1 movement BWV 1052 Swiss School of Music

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Dan Blank (13 y.o.) Bach Siloti Prelude in B minor  Swiss School of Music

Dan Blank (13 y.o.) Bach Siloti Prelude in B minor Swiss School of Music

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Dan Blank

Dan Blank

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Sponsorship Packages

Study scholarship

Total tuition fees:

- 4860 CHF per month

- 58 320 CHF per year

Dan Blank studies at SSoM school at the Profi rate - 12 hours a week without a break for school holidays:
- in the class of teacher Slava Spiridonov, specialty, general piano, ensemble - 6 hours
- in the class of Galina Chistyakova, concert repertoire, specialty - 5 hours
- in the class of teacher Evgeny Spiridonov, music theory, 1 hour

Preparing a solo program

Term - 3 months

Price - 5400 CHF

The total number of hours of training is 14 weeks and 60 hours
- Learning a new program - 4 hours a week
- Rehearsals and program run-in - 4 hours

Concert with orchestra

Term - 3 months

Cost - 13000-16000 CHF

- Preparation and learning of the program - within the framework of basic training
- Orchestra fee - 10,000-12,000 CHF
- Hall rent - 1000 CHF
- Fee for the artistic director of the project - 2000-3000 CHF

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